Realizamos el teaser promocional de la Carrera de Empresas València 2024

Realizamos el teaser promocional de la XI edición de la Carrera de Empresas València (CEV) que tendrá lugar el domingo 05 de mayo de 2024:

El vídeo ha sido desarrollado por Nostresport TV, la línea de servicios audiovisuales de Grupo Nostresport, proveedor de las necesidades audiovisuales de la Carrera de Empresas València, esto es aftermovies, vídeo reportajes de empresas participantes que lo contratan o streamings.

La pieza tiene como objetivo plasmar la parte emocional detrás de la CEV, una carrera diferente que se basa en la creación de equipos y unión con los compañeros de la empresa, de ahí el leitmotiv de “no es solo una carrera”. El verdadero protagonista de esta carrera son los grupos que se forman internamente, las conexiones que la dotan de alma.

Visualmente se ha buscado transmitir este concepto a través de un estilo dinámico, y actual apoyado en el storytelling como fuente para transmitir emociones.

La producción ha contado con la colaboración de: Cárnicas Serrano, Familia Martínez, Power Electronics, Desguaces Cortés y Colegio Mantellate.

Adjudicació licitació del servei d’assistència tècnica de premsa i creació de contingut multimèdia per a l’Organisme Autònom Fundació Esportiva Municipal de València

Grup Nostresport s’adjudica per tercera vegada la licitació del servei d’assistència tècnica de premsa i creació de contingut multimèdia per a l’Organisme Autònom Fundació Esportiva Municipal de València.
D’aquesta manera des de novembre 2020 i per un període de dos anys es prestarà aquest servei que inclou la producció audiovisual dels continguts d’aquest organisme.

Challenge 2000 Streaming

Challenge 2000 streaming. An athletics event organized by Cárnicas Serrano and Valencia Ciudad del Running with Toni Abadía, Carlos Mayo and Juan Antonio “Chiki” Pérez.

The event took place behind closed doors because of COVID-19 at 9pm on Friday, June 26th, on the athletics tracks of the Turia river in Valencia. The streaming was carried out by remote transmission units. We work with three operated cameras and it comprises interviews, announcers or graphics.

Caixa Popular Duathlon Clubs League

Nostresport TV will perform the aftermovies of the 2020 Caixa Popular Duathlon Clubs League  of the Valencian Triathlon Federation.

It is a duathlon circuit, bike and foot race, which is played by teams from different triathlon clubs. As a novelty this year, the Caixa Popular Clubs League will have two venues in mixed relay mode, where men and women will have to compete together, thus increase the importance of teamworking and promotes female participation.

The strongest women’s and men’s clubs of the 2019 season will compete in the first division, including CEA Bétera, women’s winner, and C.T Huracán The Bike Run,men’s winner. A total of 57 teams have confirmed their participation in the first and second divisions.

Caixa Popular Duathlon Clubs League 2020 hosts: 

    • 19/01/2020 Duatló per Equips Vila d’Almenara.
    • 02/02/2020 Duatló per Relleus Castelló, Ribera Alta.

    • 07/03/2020 Duatló d’Ontinyent.

  • 09/05/2020 Triatló per Equips Cullera.
  • 31/05/2020 Triatló per Relleus Bétera.
  • 14/06/2020 Triatló Port de Castelló.

The races scheduled after Ontinyent Duathlon have been suspended due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19.

Viator Barbarians Spot

Viator Barbarians is a rugby club founded in 2005. The club is composed by different rugby clubs and nationalities players. The purpose of the Club is to participate in the best National and International Rugby Sevens Tournaments.
The goal of this audiovisual project was to develop a brief presentation spot of the team. The recording took place during the 2019 Elche 7 tournement.

Sport and Gestation Report

Report produced for the Spanish Higher Sports Council on the occasion of the European Sports Week.

The purpose of the video was to explain the benefits of physical activity, with medical prescription, during pregnancy.

For this project, carried out between Valencia and Madrid, we present several cases of different profiles women, from elite athletes to amateurs sportswomen, specialists in pregnancy or sports coaches, in order to collect testimonies on how maintaining physical activity during the pregnancy carries benefices.